Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management at Rongo University

Course NameBachelor of Science in Human Resource Management
Other Course NameBSc in Human Resource Management (HRM)
Institution Rongo University
TypePublic University
LocationRongo Town
QualificationBachelor's Degree
Mode of Study Full time

Course Entry/Admission Requirements for BSc in Human Resource Management (HRM) at Rongo University

  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Mean Grade of C+ (Plus), C (Plain) in English, C- (Minus) in Mathematics / Business Studies or its equivalent.
  • Diploma in a related field or CPAK / CPS,

  • Interested candidates should additionally visit the university website or contact the admissions office for further information on both the university and departmental entry requirements for this course.

Duration of Study

4 years

How to Apply for Admission

Application Dates

Rongo University College has three intakes in an Academic year for all courses.

  • September/October
  • December/January
  • April/May

The advertisements for the intakes are usually carried in the local press two months before the intake

Application Procedure

  • Application forms may be obtained from the University Main Campus at Kitere hill admissions office or through our website APPLICATION-FORM.
  • There's a non-refundable application fee of:
    • Kshs 500 for diploma/certificate,
    • Kshs 1,000 for undergraduate and
    • Kshs 2,000 for post graduate programmes.
  • The application fee may be paid by Direct Deposit at any KCB or National Bank Branch into the Rongo University College Account. CASH and postal orders WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

The completed application forms, copies of relevant academic certificates, copies of the application fees receipt should be returned or sent to Director, Privately Sponsored Students Programme (PSSP).


  • An applicant who for any reason is unable to take up the offer of admission will be required to inform the Deputy Academic Registrar by either filling in Form RUC F2 of the joining instructions or writing directly to the Deputy Academic Registrar.  This information should reach the said office at least one week prior to the date of registration.
  • An applicant who fails to inform the Deputy Academic Registrar of his/her deferment of admission will be deemed to have forfeited his/her position and will be de-registered from the course admitted to.

Mode of Study

  • The mode of study is flexible and a student can study on full-time,open and Distance, weekend basis or on school based basis.
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** Despite the fact that reasonable effort has been made in order to provide an accurate description of this course, certain details could have been updated by the institution which may impact the accuracy of the information presented here. We advice that you contact the institution directly to confirm admission details.